Our Great Twitter Discovery (Hint: 850 Striking Wildlife Photos!)

by | Sep 9, 2010 | Photography

Today, we came across an excellent tweet from the USFWS Northeast Region (@USFWSNortheast), where they shared a striking photo of a great egret. They have a “photo of the week” section on their Flickr account. For those who have yet to discover Flickr, it’s worth a visit! It’s the most prominent photo-sharing website around.

When we visited their gallery to view the Egret photo, we found 850 other striking photos! Here’s a link to the Egret photo. If you’re interested in browsing their substantial photo gallery, visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/usfwsnortheast.

Speaking of great Twitter photo finds, we’ve joined the Twitterverse! We hope you’ll stop by and follow us…we follow back! @KConInc